Two Ghosts on Icehouse Bay.
Wood engraving, 7” x 5”, 1984. $250

2 Manitous. Wood engraving on handmade paper, 4” x 3 1/2”, 1981. $100

Ghost in Deep Water. Wood engraving,
9” x 6”, 1992. $250

Boat Chaser II. Wood engraving,
10” x 6 3/4”, 1982. $250

Night Vision. Stone lithograph, 8” x 10”, 1972. $175

Eight Pots and Several Skulls. Stone lithograph, 17” X 13”, 1967. $300

The Lake Superior Medal. Copper etching, 9” x 12”, 1972. $250

And You? And I? Wood engraving and letterpress, 8” x 13”, 1981. $350

Night. Wood engraving and letterpress, 10 1/2” x 16 1/2’, 1993. $350